Paper submission

Paper submissions on any aspect of sampling theory and applications are welcome. Although the papers should in general be 4 pages of length, 3 or 5 page submissions may be accepted as well They are prepared using documentclass [conference] {IEEEtran} and reviewed and published via the EDAS system.  Extended versions of proceedings papers are frequently also submitted to mathematics and engineering journals.

SampTA 2017 includes plenary invited lectures, twenty-five minute oral presentations and poster sessions. According to traditions of SampTA conferences topics are divided into the followings:
General Session (including but not limited to: signal and image processing, coding theory, control theory, complex analysis, harmonic analysis, differential equations, inverse problems)
Invited/Special Sessions (invited authors only) with the following list of topics:
1) Mathematical data processing with optimization (Afonso Bandeira, Dustin Mixon, Deanna Needell)
2) Bilinear inverse problems (Felix Krahmer, Mahdi Soltanolkotabi)
3) Mathematics of deep learning (Helmut Boelcskei, Philipp Grohs, Miguel Rodrigues)
4) Mathematical theory of quantization (Sjoerd Dirksen, Rayan Saab)
5) Low rank matrix recovery and phase retrieval (Radu Balan, David Gross, Xiaodong Li)
6) Shannon sampling 100 years after his birth (Götz Pfander, Ahmed Zayed)
7) Time-frequency analysis (Karlheinz Gröchenig, Jose Luis Romero)
8) Dynamical sampling (Akram Aldroubi, Jean-Luc Bouchot)
9) Sampling and Geometry (Steve Casey, Gestur Olafsson, Jens Christensen)
10) Frames, nonlinear approximations and Hilbert transform (Akram Aldroubi, Shiv K Kaushik, Sumit Sharma)
11) Spectral Estimation and Acoustics (Luis Daniel Abreu, Peter Balazs)

Papers will be reviewed and published via the EDAS system. In order to track your paper and/or submit your manuscript please follow these steps:

Submit a paper via the EDAS system.

Authors should choose General Session, if they are not invited for Special Sessions (track 1 to 11).
If you are invited, please, choose the appropriate track in the Invited/Special Session.
Papers accepted, covered by a full registration and presented at the SampTA 2017 will be submitted to IEEE Conference Publications Program (CPP) for publication.

Please find an instruction of paper submission here.

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